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Mixed knowledge trivia quiz
Welcome to the Ultimate Trivia Quiz! Get ready to test your knowledge on a wide range of topics, from art and history to pop culture and sports. Do you know which country's Royal Family is depicted in the famous painting Las Meninas? How about which mountain has the faces of US Presidents carved into it? And did you know that the teddy bear is named after a US President?

But that's just the beginning! Can you guess which fruit is used to make the delicious Italian drink of limoncello? Or which city Michael Bloomberg won a third term as Mayor of in 2009? And what does the French expression C'est la vie! actually mean?

From popular pilgrimage sites in southern France to famous quotes about sports, this quiz covers it all. So buckle up and get ready to challenge yourself with questions like which sport Mark Twain famously described as a good walk, spoiled. And do you know what it's called when you cook just below the boiling point?

Plus, have you ever heard of a funambulist? It's a fancy name for someone who does what? Test your knowledge and see how many of these questions you can answer correctly. Good luck!
Question 1 of 10
Faces of US Presidents are carved into which mountain?
Question 2 of 10
Which fruit is used to make the Italian drink of limoncello?
Question 3 of 10
Mark Twain said that which sport was a good walk, spoiled?
Question 4 of 10
The teddy bear is named after which US President?
Question 5 of 10
What does the French expression "C'est la vie!" mean?
Question 6 of 10
"Las Meninas" is a painting depicting the Royal Family of which country?
Question 7 of 10
Michael Bloomberg won a third term as Mayor of which city in 2009?
Question 8 of 10
Which town in southern France is a popular pilgrimage site?
Question 9 of 10
Funambulist is a name for someone who does what?
Question 10 of 10
Cooking just below the boiling point has which name?

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