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10 hard trivia questions
Welcome to the ultimate trivia quiz that will test your knowledge on a wide range of topics! Get ready to challenge yourself with a series of brain-teasing questions that will have you scratching your head and laughing out loud. From science to literature, history to pop culture, this quiz has it all!

Do you know what is formed when a star collapses under its own weight? Or where Pecos Bill supposedly lived while inventing the lasso and riding cyclones? Can you name the ship in 'Assassin's Creed IV' that is Spanish for spotless, unblemished, unpolluted? And how about figuring out how many books Tony, Carly, and David read in total, with one book being read by all three?

Test your knowledge on famous trios, like Mary, Mungo, and who completes the trio? Do you know what 'Buzz' Aldrin's first name is, or the character Lou Romano voices in 'Ratatouille'? And speaking of food, do you know which part of the UK is traditionally associated with faggots, a large meatball dish?

Think you're a science whiz? Can you name the element that boasts almost 100,000 known compounds? And if you're a movie buff, can you remember what item Butch's father hid from POW camp guards in Pulp Fiction?

So grab a pen and paper, or just keep track in your head, as you dive into this trivia quiz that will have you laughing, scratching your head, and maybe even learning something new along the way. Good luck, and may the best trivia master win!
Question 1 of 10
What ship in 'Assassin's Creed IV' is Spanish for "spotless, unblemished, unpolluted"?
Question 2 of 10
What is formed when a star collapses under its own weight?
Question 3 of 10
Pecos Bill supposedly invented the lasso, rode a cyclone and used a rattlesnake as a belt. Where did he live?
Question 4 of 10
Which element boasts almost 100,000 known compunds?
Question 5 of 10
What is 'Buzz' Aldrin's first name?
Question 6 of 10
Lou Romano is the voice of which character in 'Ratatouille'?
Question 7 of 10
Who completes the trio of Mary and Mungo?
Question 8 of 10
What item did Butch's father hide from POW camp guards so his son could have it as his birth right in Pulp Fiction?
Question 9 of 10
Tony read 3 books, Carly read 2 books and David read 4 books. One book was read by all 3, but the other books were different. How many did they read?
Question 10 of 10
Faggots are a traditional large meatball associated with which part of the UK?

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